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Weight loss and health

After a life time of weight problems I finally lost over 100 lbs and got healthy by eating real food and without counting calories or starving.  I did this thru the Keto diet, Intermittent fasting, and lots of research.

YouTube channels I would recommend

Adam J. Story

​​Beat Diabetes

Dr Ken Berry

Tame Type 1

Videos of the Week

-- Some of my favorite videos --

The video every diabetic must see

He killed cancer

4 ways the Ketogenic Diet fights cancer

Meryl Streep introduces the Ketogenic diet

3 first steps to going Keto

7 great benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

The biggest secret of the Keto universe

Dr. Berg's Healthy Ketogenic Diet Basics

What happens if you stop eating sugar for 14 days

Time restricted eating crushes diabetes

23 benefits of OMAD (One Meal a Day) Intermittent Fasting

Arthritis Is your diet causing it?

Insulin is the Cause of Most Major Illnesses

Blood Sugar Test: Soda (Coca Cola) vs Grape Juice

Fasting vs. Cancer Cells: Positive Science

When to start the Ketogenic diet for brain tumors

Rosacea diet reverse the redness

7 signs you need more salt

Keto and Intermittent Fasting the big overview for beginners

Autophagy & Intermittent Fasting

The overlooked key to conquering diabetes

How high blood glucose levels destroy 4 organs

Low carb diet Fat or Fiction? Does it work?

The truth about cholesterol LDL and HDL

Reversing type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines

The perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss

Why obesity is so bad for you  (and what to do about it)

7 protein myths debunked

How to do Intermittent Fasting for serious weight loss

30 days of apple cider vinegar vs 15 years of acid reflux

Dateline NBC medical secrets  (Epilepsy and the Keto diet)

Healing Constipation, Hemorrhoids, and other unpleasantness with a Carnivore Diet

Why you need Keto and Intermittent Fasting

10 most prescribed pills and how to get off them

PCOS (what causes it and how to reverse it)

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

Carnivore diet beginner's guide

Sad truth about cholesterol meds in one graph

Hotdogs and bacon cause colon cancer ?

Truck driver reverses diabetes without taking one pill

7 day fast for cell repair with amazing results

Mild hypertension - should you take pills for it

Reverse stroke | 60 Minutes

What Four Years of Eating Meat Did to Me! | Emily Penton

Your 2 Hour post meal tests

Reverse/Prevent Osteoporosis get stronger bones

The truth about blood pressure and salt by Robert Cywes

The shady truth about statins

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