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Webpages Links

7 zip - free uncompression program for files with an extension of .7z

12ft ladder - allows reading a webpage blocked by a paywall

AdBlock from

AdBlock from
Adobe Reader download - uncheck all the optional stuff

Allina Health My Chart


AOL billing and marketing

Apple forgot your ID - Relaxing background sounds

Brother printer drivers

Calendar, print a free one thru the browser

Canon printer drivers

CenturyLink Account - convert files between formats free online

Craig's list Isanti County

Credit report free annual

Do not call list from the government - supposed to reduce sales phone calls

Domain names - see if they are available

Down Detector - company online services status

DVD external drive from Amazon, USB cable, made by Dell

Easy YouTube Video Downloader - for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge


Email compromised - Firefox Monitor

Email compromised - Have I been pwned

Epson printer drivers

External hard drive from Amazon 2 tb in different colors


Firefox browser
Firefox webstore for extensions - free way to lookup company contact info

Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome webstore for extensions  (works for Edge too)

Google Chrome Remote Desktop

Google Chrome extension - Save image as Type

Google Drive - online cloud storage

Google Earth

Government -

Government - Social security account

Government - VA
HP printer drivers

HP printer drivers thru HP Smart
Internet speed test from CenturyLink

Internet speed test from Midco

Internet speed test from Speakeasy - scroll down to see your location

IPV6 test webpage - test to see if your computer is ready

Jigsaw puzzle webpage

Kelly Blue Book - be careful of the fake buttons and advertising

Kingston memory chips

Libre Office - alternative to Microsoft Office - look up old product manuals

Maxthon browser

Microsoft account management

Microsoft account security options

Microsoft account subscriptions and services

Microsoft Office buy online - Home and Student

Microsoft Office buy online - 365

Microsoft Office buy standalone apps

Microsoft Office download or reinstall

Microsoft Office install with product key

Microsoft Office download free if college student

Microsoft services status

Microsoft site map to all services

Microsoft support and knowledge base

Midori browser

Minnco Credit Union Cambridge Mn

Movie Maker App for Windows 10

My 70's TV - old time TV videos from the 70's, 80's, and 90's

Netgear support automatic program installer

OneDrive - online cloud storage

Open Office - click "Download full installation"

Opera browser

PDF file for testing - IRS W9

PDF file convert to Word document for free -

People search - That's Them

People search - Spokeo

People search - White pages

Photo editor - Photovisi online

Photo editor - Pixlr online - make webpages print better

Quickbooks main webpage

Quickbooks download

Quickbooks support

QuickTime player from Apple

Silverlight from Microsoft

Star and Tribune newspaper

Theater - Cambridge and North Branch MN

Thunderbird email program

Time check

Toshiba support

Tracking - FedEx package

Tracking - Post Office package (USPS)

Tracking - UPS package

VA Veterans Health Care

Video converter - VSDC Free Video Converter

Video drivers - AMD / ATI

Video drivers - Nvidia

VLC Media Player

Way back machine - see old copies of webpages

Weather from MSN

Wells Fargo Bank

Wikipedia free online encyclopedia

Windows 11 download

Windows 10 download

Zoom download

Phone Numbers

Acer Computers  1-866-661-7100

America Online  1-800-827-6364, 1-800-217-9271

Apple support  1-800-275-2273

Arcsoft  510-330-9901

AT&T dial-up support  1-800-400-1447, 1-800-288-2747  (press 0 for live person)

AVG Antivirus support  1-844-259-8811  1-800-456-3118

Best Buy, Blaine MN  763-780-8668,  St Cloud MN  1-320-259-5208

Broderbund, general  1-415-382-4400,  tech support  1-423-670-2032

Canon Printers, tech  1-757-413-2848

CenturyLink general   1-800-244-1111,  1-800-573-1311,  1-866-541-3322

CenturyLink cancel service  1-844-275-9829

CenturyLink order phone filters  1-855-331-1346

CenturyLink order replacement modem  1-800-603-6000

Compaq Computers  1-281-370-0670

CompuServe  1-800-848-8990

Corel / Word Perfect  1-800-772-6735, 1-613-274-6374

Creative Labs, tech  1-405-742-6655

DacEasy, tech  1-214-248-0205

Dell  1-800-624-9896,  1-800-915-3355,  1-877-465-2968,  out of warranty  1-888-261-1716

Disney Software  1-818-544-4300

Earthlink  1-888-829-8466

Ebay registration support  1-877-322-9070

Electronic Arts  1-650-628-1001

Emachines, only thru web -

Epson Printers, automated support  1-800-444-1517,  live person  1-562-276-1300

Family Tree Maker  1-800-262-3787

Gateway  1-800-846-2000

Genesis Wireless, Braham MN  320-396-2990,  763-552-0863,  1-888-383-8837

Grandpad tablet support line  1-888-545-1425

Groiler  1-203-796-2536

HP / Hewlett Packard  1-800-752-0900, tech support  1-800-474-6836

Hughes Net Online Service  1-888-228-1949

Humongous Entertainment  1-800-499-8386

IBM tech support  1-800-426-7378

Infogrames  1-408-296-8400

Interplay  1-949-553-6678

Juno Online  1-800-654-5866,  1-888-839-5866

Knowledge Adventure  1-800-556-6141

Kodak, general  1-800-242-2424,  printers  1-800-421-6699,  cameras  1-800-235-6325

Learning Company Software  1-319-247-3333

Lego Media  1-800-366-6062

Lenovo computers tech support  1-877-453-6686,  order status  1-855-253-6686

Lexmark  1-800-368-7135, 1-888-539-6275

Linksys  1-800-326-7114

Lucas Arts  1-949-553-6678

McAfee Antivirus  1-866-622-3911, 1-888-847-8766

Microsoft  1-800-642-7676, 1-800-936-5700

Midco  1-800-888-1300

MSN Online Service customer service  1-800-840-9890

MSN Online Service tech support   1-866-783-7868

Mustek scanners  1-714-788-3600

My Essentials wireless adapters  1-866-761-4608

Netgear  1-888-638-4327

Network Everywhere  1-949-271-5470

Netzero dialup  1-888-349-0029

Northstar Access, see Talk America or Windstream

Northland Connect tech support  1-888-817-8962

Northland Connect customer service  1-866-567-1919

Norton Antivirus  1-800-441-7234,  1-800-927-3991,  1-541-335-7000

Office Depot,  Coon Rapids MN  763-783-7177,  St Cloud MN  1-320-252-8477

Office Max,  Cambridge MN  763-691-1911,  Blaine MN  763-783-8033

OnTrack Data Recovery  1-800-898-9514,  1-800-752-1333

Palm products  1-847-262-7256

Peachtree Accounting  sales  1-800-247-3224,  tech support  1-770-492-6311

People PC Online  1-866-558-7987

Pionex Computers  1-800-313-1995

Quickbooks sales  1-877-683-3280   (tech support only done thru their webpage)

Qwest, see CenturyLink

Rand McNally  1-847-982-0944

Rosetta Stone  1-877-223-9763

Sam's Club,  Fridley MN  763-784-4102,  St Cloud MN  1-320-253-8882

Samsung  1-800-726-7864

Sierra  1-425-644-4343

Sony  1-800-226-9433

StarBand Satellite  1-888-424-4121

Talk America  1-855-546-5000

Toshiba general  1-800-457-7777

Toshiba tech support  1-800-999-4273

Trend Micro Antivirus  1-888-762-8736

Ultimate Family Tree  415-446-1796

Umax scanners  1-208-552-7980

US Cable  1-800-783-2356

US Family Online Service  763-521-0401

US Robotics modems  1-847-982-5151

Verizon, cambridge MN  763-552-7555

Verizon, north branch MN  651-277-9122

Verizon general  1-800-256-4646

Verizon tech support  1-800-922-0204

Walmart, Cambridge MN  763-689-0606, Northtown MN  763-780-9400

Webroot / Spysweeper  1-866-612-4268

Windstream  1-800-347-1991

Wild Blue  1-877-474-5176

Word Perfect, see Corel

Xfinity (Comcast)  1-651-222-3333

Yahoo Customer Service  1-800-318-0612,  1-408-916-2100 

Zone Alarm  1-877-966-5221

Zoom Modems  1-800-631-3116,  sales  617-423-3923,  tech support  617-423-1076

Antivirus programs

If you have Windows 10, or 11 you do not need to download or install any antivirus program.  Microsoft has included a free antivirus program called "Windows Security".  Be sure to uninstall any other antivirus programs that came with your computer before trying to use it, such as Norton, McAfee, or AVG.  Then restart your computer.

For older computers - Below is a list of some free antivirus programs, although most try to sell paid versions. Antivirus programs can be tricky to install, so you may want to get help with that.


AdwCleaner - scanning only

Malwarebytes direct download - free trial for 14 days, after that the free version scans only


AVG - upload files and webpage links to scan for viruses

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